On Friday, October 18, Alfonce Munyao Mula, a climate scientist from Kenya, will be our featured speaker. He is a member of the United Nations Environment Program's Youth Constituency Global Steering Committee (the official youth engagement mechanism to the UNEP). Since 2021, he has worked with Partnerships For Change, an NGO based in San Francisco as the Director of its Environmental Division working primarily to lift the environmental profile of the organization around the world and in particular within the African continent, which is focused on solutions dealing with climate change, peace, and security. Alfonce will be introduced by Seminarian Susan Horsfall.
On Friday, October 18, Sac Sem will have a much-anticipated roundtable where Seminarians can vent their opinions, predictions and guesses about the election for offices from president on down to San Francisco’s Board of Education
RSVP TO ATTEND any upcoming seminar. To assist Perry’s kitchen staff with planning for our Friday lunchtime meetings please email Dennis Wheatley at dennis@triticum.com if you plan to attend and indicate if you’ll be bringing a guest. Dennis DOES NOT need to know you are not attending. If members have RSVP’ed a “yes” and need to cancel, please tell Dennis before the cutoff of Thursday noon prior to each seminar.
California’s top political pollster, Mark DiCamillo, himself a Seminarian, returns to update the Seminar on pre-presidential election poling trends on Friday, October 25. Mark is with the University of California (Berkeley) Institute of Governmental Studies. https://igs.berkeley.edu/people/mark-dicamillo where he conducts the IGS poll focusing on California issues and campaigns.
Friday, November 1, just four days before the end of balloting, will be a Zoom meeting. We will NOT be at Perry’s. Your Zoom link will be sent the week of the seminar. We’ll be with the Institute of Governmental Studies at UC Berkeley to review their final analysis. Yes, that means we’ll be with seminarian Mark DiCamillo two weeks in a row. What an ideal time for California’s top political pollster to brief the Seminar. That’ll enable those so inclined to place insider bets on the outcome of election for president, Congress and mayor of San Francisco.
The “big roundtable” will be on Friday, November 8 to analyze the results of November 5th presidential, congressional and city elections. This is your big chance to show your chops as a pundit, whether amateur or professional. If seminarians miss this roundtable, they shall forever after, remain silent on the events of that big day.
Janelle Kellman, a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Lieutenant Governor of California will be Sac Sem’s guest on Friday, December 6. A member of Sausalito’s City Council, Janelle, previously Sausalito’s mayor, holds an undergraduate degree in History from Yale, a master’s in environmental management from Oxford, and graduated from Stanford Law. She has also launched her own technology startup and served as a trusted advisor to technology entrepreneurs. She will be introduced by Seminarian and current Sausalito mayor Ian Sobieski.
Mark your calendar. Sac Sem’s annual Holiday/Christmas/Hanukkah Lunch will be on Friday, December 20.
“There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.” - Oscar Wilde