BULLETIN: Sac Seminarian Greg Knell unexpectedly passed away this past week after a bout with sepsis after a two-week hospitalization. Greg was an elected member of the Marn County Board of Education, a past candidate for Marin County Supervisor and the owner of a North Marin union print shop noted for its services to political candidates. Services are pending.
This Friday, January 17 will be a clairvoyant roundtable: Your predictions for next week will be emceed by Co-Vice Chair Linda Muir. You will look into your crystal ball and reveal how the Federal cabinet will shape up, soothsay the executive orders that will be signed, divulge the ways that the Los Angeles fires continue to cause turmoil, and most critical, divine the date for the seminar to be held in Greenland.
On Friday February 7 our speaker is the Consul General of Mexico Anna Luisa Vallejo Barba. Seminarian Sherri Ferris will make the introduction. Consul General Vallejo has been part of the Mexican Foreign Service since 1994, She’s served in Bolivia, Great Britain, Brazil, Peru, and Guatemala. She has a master's degree in Diplomatic Studies and a postgraduate degree in Diplomacy from Oxford.
OTHER THOUGHTS: “You cannot negotiate peace with someone who has come to kill you.” Golda Meir